Teleport to Mars

My phone’s blowing up
I don’t want to give an answer after dark
All I want is to work out
Maybe figure it out
Maybe sleep ’til dawn

To challenge the flow or let it carry me ashore
Did I lock the back door? 

Why is it so hard to admit                                      I’m winning? 
Ever since I left                                                             I’ve been winning 
                                                                                               I’m winning 

I came back to my hometown
I flipped this island upside down
Without you I thought I’d drown
Kinda ready to give up my frown

I swam with sharks
I cried in the dark
He broke my heart
Still couldn't dim my spark 

No room for what ifs 
Or 'I wish I dids'
I burned bridges down 
Knowing you wouldn’t be around 

The blinkers on the cars
Ambers in the dark
Shooting stars
I wish I could teleport to Mars


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