Little Monday getaway

I know the rumours made me something of a legend
Someone worth mentioning
You’re quick to dismiss all of it
“Babe let it go”
“They have room to grow”

The puppet or the puppet master
How do you like me better?
I can be both
Just like my coffee
Almond or oat

Big on your vibes
Keep giving me kisses on my thighs
You know how much it makes me smile

Or last Sunday’s look in your eyes
When I was about to cry
It made me want to die
‘Nothing wrong with crying’
‘It’s alright’

Little Monday getaway
Cause they made your boy sad at Hideaway
That’s your way

Can’t make babies if we’re not married
I’d marry you tomorrow
Talking about ‘I wanna change the law your honor’

Knees busted from worshipping you
You’re my everything
Hope I’m yours too


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